Next Generation Sterilizers: Balancing Patient Care with Instrument Processing Challenges




Instrument processing is a critical part of any infection prevention (IP) program and central to helping maintain a safe primary care environment. One simple error or misstep can result in the unintended spread of infection, posing a risk to both patients and caregivers. 

Instrument processing is also a highly regulated, time-consuming and labor-intensive task. This may make it challenging for staff to choose between prioritizing the patient experience or properly sterilizing instruments.

It can be made even more challenging by the fact that the individuals responsible for instrument processing often oversee many processes and tasks in their day-to-day job, with instrument processing being just one of the pieces. There may also be the additional pressure to quickly process instruments as higher output can mean more income, especially as more procedures move to outpatient care environments.

Add staffing shortages and turnover to the mix and you have a situation where there may simply not be enough time or people to adequately complete instrument processing. This can often lead to human errors and burnout.

There are a number of Midmark white papers that focus on IP, offering tips to ensure IP efforts maintain the highest standards, discussing the importance of taking a holistic approach to IP, and explaining how the right design approach can enhance IP programs.

These three white papers all touch on sterilizers, which are considered the focal point of instrument processing and the frontline defense in keeping patients safe from contaminants. The next generation of sterilizers, like the next generation of Midmark M9® and M11® Steam Sterilizers, offer new features that help make instrument processing and adherence to clinical best practices and standards as easy and as automated as possible.

For instrument processing equipment to be effective, it must be simple to use and maintain while also helping users adhere to proper instrument processing protocols. Designed for enhanced durability and ease of use, Midmark® Steam Sterilizers help care teams gain instrument processing and documentation compliance efficiencies. The ease of use also helps build confidence in new staff, reducing training time.

The following are highlights of the new Midmark steam sterilizers:

  • Intuitive User Interface that allows users to navigate cycle setup and other processes with a clear, fingerprint-resistant 5-inch touchscreen that can be utilized while wearing gloves.

  • Streamlined Compliance Recordkeeping that helps care teams stay audit-ready with device reminders and notifications, user authentication, unlimited storage of routine care events for the life of the sterilizer, and automated cycle recordkeeping.

  • Enhanced Durability that reduces the frequency of required maintenance by users and certified technicians by more than half.​ Midmark sterilizers have been designed for durability, including an increased device life of 25,000 cycles thanks to a completely reengineered chamber.

  • Reduced Cost of Ownership that saves thousands on operating and device care costs compared to competitive models.

  • More FDA-Cleared Cycle Options that provide unique preset cycles to meet both Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Association for the Advancement of Medical instrumentation (AAMI) sterilization cycle recommendations for wrapped instruments. These cycle options can simplify clinical workflow.

  • Optional Autofill + Auto-Drain that ensure fresh water for every cycle without burdening care teams.

Of course, having the right sterilizer in place is only effective if the clinicians and staff utilizing it are educated appropriately. While these next generation sterilizers are designed for ease of use, care teams need to understand how to properly use and maintain the equipment and clinical workflow to help ensure maximum benefits and compliance.

Midmark offers a number of clinical education options to help care teams enhance the strength and effectiveness of IP programs. For instance, the company’s clinical education team recently partnered with Pfiedler Education to offer the course, “Enhancing Patient Safety: The Vital Role of Manufacturer's Instructions for Use (IFUs) in Instrument Processing.” The on-demand, digital module provides continuing education units (CEUs) and is led by professional clinical educators who specialize in proper device use, clinical workflow efficiency and infection prevention compliance.

With the next generation of Midmark Steam Sterilizers and the proper training, care teams will be better equipped to maintain patient safety in healthcare settings and balance patient care with instrument processing challenges.

Click here for more information on the next generation Midmark Steam Sterilizers.