MA in blue scrubs
MA in blue scrubs

Better care starts with better planning.

A patient’s vital signs measurements provide critical information related to changes in patient health and play an important role in physicians' treatment decisions. However, the vital signs workflow has not changed significantly in the past 30 years. See how the right balance of technology, connectivity and workflow at the point of care can improve the vital signs process.


Workflow Solutions

Traditional Vital Signs Workflow
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  • Traditional Vital Signs Workflow
    The traditional vital signs workflow is a common setup for family practices or physician offices. Patient weight and height are captured manually while leading the patient to the exam room, which can cause delays with patient flow in the hallway. Pulse, temperature and blood pressure are taken manually inside the exam room.
    • Clinical Process Improvement
    • Vital Signs
    • Real-Time Locating System
    • Infection Prevention
    • Americans with Disabilities
    • Better Blood Pressure
    • Single Pane of Glass
    • EMR Connectivity
  • Traditional Vital Signs
    After weight and height are measured in the hallway, the patient is escorted to the exam room and directed to a side chair or the exam table. If the blood pressure cuff is manual and not attached to the wall, the patient is seated on a table or in a side chair next to the work surface for paper-based patient records.
  • Time Savings
    The traditional workflow requires an average of 187 seconds from the time the patient is called through vital signs acquisition.
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  • Vital Signs
  • Clinical Process Improvement
  • Single Pane of Glass
  • Infection Prevention
  • Real-Time Locating System
  • Americans with Disabilities
  • Better Blood Pressure
  • EMR Connectivity

Weight is captured outside of the exam space causing privacy concerns and bottlenecks

Vital signs measurements are captured in multiple locations manually, requiring 187 seconds per patient.

Lack of visibility to real-time operations or patient self-rooming workflow inhibits waste reduction efforts.

Lack of patient self-rooming as well as capturing vital signs and weight in multiple locations increases the risk of exposure to contagions. Lack of RTLS makes contact tracing a tedious manual process. The exam table cannot be easily moved for cleaning and disinfecting.

Inaccessible exam table poses patient and staff safety risks.

The non-adjustable exam table does not support proper patient positioning for accurate BP measurements.

Disconnected devices require manual entry of patient data.

Disconnected equipment operates autonomously, increasing the likelihood of human error.