Triage Nook Workflow
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  • Triage Nook Workflow
    The triage nook is a semi-private space designed to assess and capture vital signs. A curtain provides visual privacy, however patient health should not be discussed in this space due to privacy concerns. The nook may include a scale and automated blood pressure and pulse device. Optional equipment can include a wheelchair scale, a sink for proper hygiene and storage for supplies.
    • Real-Time Locating System
    • Better Blood Pressure
    • Clinical Process Improvement
    • Vital Signs
    • Infection Prevention
  • Triage Nook
    All vital signs measurements can be taken in the triage nook. Patients are then escorted to the exam room and directed to a side chair or exam table for capturing additional health data. Increased patient flow can lead to queuing in the hallway, and family members accompanying patients may also create congestion. There may be a single station or multiple triage nook stations supporting multiple exam rooms.
  • Time Savings
    The triage nook workflow, when compared with the traditional, saves 30 seconds per patient by implementing automated vital signs acquisition.


Design for the Point of Care



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Maximizing Patient Care with Efficient Vital Signs Acquisition



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  • Clinical Process Improvement
  • Real-Time Locating System
  • Better Blood Pressure
  • Vital Signs
  • Infection Prevention

Use of a real-time locating system or patient self-rooming workflow can assist in waste reduction efforts to help eliminate costly bottlenecks.

The side chair supports the patient’s back and allows most patients to place their feet flat on the floor.

All vital signs measurements are captured in one location using an automated device. Weight is also captured in the same location.

Compared to the traditional vital signs workflow, the triage nook workflow saves 30 seconds per patient.

Use of a self-rooming workflow as well as capturing all vital sign measurements and weight in one location reduces exposure to contagions. RTLS automates contact tracing so you can automatically identify who was exposed to a potential contagion and for how long.