Book Time with our Experts at HIMSS
The Midmark RTLS team is setting appointments for our meeting room at HIMSS25 in Las Vegas, March 4-6. Join us!
Self-help Support for Customers + System Integrators
Most hospitals believe they have enough equipment—it’s “everywhere”—and the purchase records prove it. Yet nurses and biomedical teams are asking, “but where?” Equipment they know they should have is nowhere to be found. Preventive maintenance and patient care become jeopardized.
per shift spent searching for equipment.1
average asset utilization rate.1
| 8.8% |
increase in recalled medical device events in 2022, affecting 438.7 million units.2
With precision and accuracy you can trust, your staff can find the right equipment, at the right time, without delaying preventive maintenance or patient care. The Midmark CareFlow™ real-time locating system (RTLS) is designed to be intuitive for nurses and biomedical teams alike—so they can focus on what matters most: quality care.
Time spent walking the halls searching for medical equipment is now redirected toward more nursing time at the bedside, adding to better care experiences.
With equipment upkeep in mind, biomedical teams benefit from a more organized and informed routine to their daily work.
With insight into equipment movements and better utilization across the healthcare network, teams can analyze usage patterns to determine necessary fleet changes. When you no longer need to purchase equipment just to maintain availability, you lower equipment expenses.
Proactively locate and manage your equipment inventory with CareFlow RTLS. Increase equipment utilization, lower capital expenses and ensure assets are easy to find so that both patients and equipment receive the care they need, when they need it.
Safe, timely and effective care is jeopardized because the equipment that makes it possible is everywhere… and yet nowhere at the same time. In this eBook, learn how RTLS can tell you where equipment is with confidence.
1 Acceptable industry average; Midmark RTLS customer feedback.
2 State of the Nation 2022 Product Recall Index. Sedgwick, March 2023.