Supporting Caregivers with Midmark RTLS During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By: Jeanne Kraimer | Marketing Manager, Midmark RTLS




Midmark RTLS is fully committed to supporting our front-line caregivers and enhancing safety for all during this challenging time. We are offering the following services to our customers in response to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic:

Waived License Fees + Priority Services for Contact Tracing Reports

In a March 16, 2020 World Health Organization press briefing, Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated, “We have seen a rapid escalation of cases of COVID-19. More cases have now been reported in the rest of the world than in China. We have also seen a rapid escalation in social distancing measures like closing schools and cancelling sporting events and other gatherings. But we have not seen an urgent enough escalation in testing, isolation and contact tracing, which is the backbone of the response.” (emphasis added)

To help customers establish contact tracing protocols and manage potential COVID-19 exposures within their facilities, Midmark RTLS is waiving software license fees and prioritizing customer requests for assistance with exposure reporting and contact tracing.

Depending on the current status of a customer’s RTLS installation, this may include one of several options:


  • Customers with Reports Plus Analytics already installed for Staff Locating or Patient Flow Optimization can consult our Best Practices for Exposure Reporting, which includes video tutorials. Additional assistance is available through Midmark RTLS Technical Support.
  • If a customer does not currently use RTLS reports but would like to, we are committed to deploying reports as quickly as possible. For the next 90 days, we will waive the software license fee for our Staff + Location Reports, and assess the cost for remote services on a case-by-case basis. Prior to receiving a PO, we will begin work in good faith to install the reports used for contact tracing. Contact your Midmark RTLS Certified System Integrator or Midmark representative to request a services assessment.
  • Asset Tracking customers who have Reports Plus Analytics may wish to begin badging staff and/or patients for contact tracing. We will, at no charge, switch “on” several reports for this purpose, if they are not already enabled. If the asset tracking environment does not use current Core Software, there may be remote services required to uplift the environment. Contact Midmark RTLS Technical Support to see if this option is available to your facility.


Emergency Badge Orders

Should a customer wish to badge additional staff and/or patients to assist with exposure reporting and contact tracing, we have increased our inventory to meet demand. To help us ensure that we can serve all customers, please contact your Midmark RTLS Certified System Integrator or Midmark representative as soon as possible if you plan to order additional badges. Please understand that we may not be able to fulfill badge customizations at this time, especially for large quantities. Additionally, badge orders may be overnighted, however all battery shipments per federal regulations must be shipped ground.  Information on badge cleaning for COVID-19 is available for Customers and System Integrators in our online Knowledge Base.

Thank you to all our loyal Midmark RTLS customers. We wish you continued good health and thank you for placing your trust in us.