Developing Your ACT Plan: Leveraging RTLS for Automated Contact Tracing

By: Jeanne Kraimer | Marketing Manager, Midmark RTLS


May 22, 2020


Every health system needs an ACT Plan. As we navigate post-COVID-19 recovery and beyond, one of the best ways your organization can prepare for the future is by having automated contact tracing (ACT) in place. The CDC recommends using digital tools for contact tracing. 

With real-time locating system (RTLS) technology, you can trace a contagion’s path through the hospital with trustworthy, accurate location data. See the difference that automatic contact tracing with RTLS makes:

Contact Tracing before RTLS

Staff are required to conduct contact tracing manually, a labor-intensive, multi-day process that is subject to human error and guessing. This process can take days.


Contact Tracing after RTLS

When staff and patients wear RTLS badges, simply run a report to understand who was exposed to an infectious disease. RTLS data is clinical grade and HIPAA compliant, eliminating guesswork and human error. Plus, this process takes minutes, as opposed to days doing it manually.


Two Powerful Reports with Real-Time Intelligence

The Degree of Exposure Report (included in the Staff + Location Reports package) answers the question: which badged patients had direct, secondary or tertiary exposure? This report is very useful when staff and patients both wear badges. 

If only staff are wearing badges, the Location Activity Report answers the question: Which badged staff had direct exposure with the patient in certain locations and for how long? 

What’s your ACT Plan? 

Download our Automated Contact Tracing info sheet to see the reports and learn more.