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Shop NowYou know Midmark is the trusted name in veterinary dentistry and anesthesia monitoring solutions that can help you create better care experiences. But you might not know about our revolutionary and transformative training program, built on years of research, that can teach you how to achieve the highest level of dental and anesthesia monitoring excellence to grow your practice and improve the health of your patients.
By three years of age, dogs and cats are very likely to have evidence of periodontal disease, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, making veterinary dentistry the single largest opportunity for companion animal hospitals. Let Midmark Academy help you turn that opportunity into sustainable growth and better patient care.
To get started, call Midmark Academy at 1-844-856-1236.
Midmark conducted the first-ever study to determine key factors for improving patient care and creating sustained success in dentistry for a small-animal practice. We provided five clinics with comprehensive training, state-of-the-art dental equipment and marketing support. The clinics achieved remarkable results in just 12 months:
• Doubled dentistry revenue as a percentage of overall practice revenue
• Tripled productivity measured by revenue per doctor
• Added nearly $75,000 in incremental revenue to each practice
• Doubled number of patients treated in first year
In 2017, the AAHA Trends magazine highlighted a study by National Veterinary Associates stating that their hospitals who had participated in Midmark Academy two-day training experienced nearly 40% growth in dental revenue two years after inception1
1 Morisette, A., Philip, E., Garant, E., & Bellows, J., DVM, DAVDC, DABVP. (2017). Dental training provided by NVA, AAHA, and Midmark Animal Health Leads to a Nearly 40% Increase in Revenue 2 Years After Inception. American Animal Hospital Association Trends Magazine,12-13.
Download ProceedingsMidmark Academy was created to help you increase revenue, improve productivity and provide better patient care.
How we ensure your success:
• Training is provided by our team of top board-certified veterinary dentists, along with our nationwide network of veterinary technical specialists in dentistry
• The program includes a benchmarking tool to customize training to the specific needs of your hospital.
• Training takes place in your clinic, with your equipment, in your environment.
• Packages include a Dental Success Kit with tools, client education materials and templates to jump-start your program.
• Ongoing coaching, monitoring and refreshers are available.
1 Morisette, A., Philip, E., Garant, E., & Bellows, J., DVM, DAVDC, DABVP. (2017). Dental training provided by NVA, AAHA, and Midmark Animal Health Leads to a Nearly 40% Increase in Revenue 2 Years After Inception. American Animal Hospital Association Trends Magazine,12-13.